Managing Director for the Flex Your Mind. Mine Your Money. campaign proposal
Flex Your Mind. Mine Your Money. is a public relations campaign proposal* designed for Financial Fitness, a California State University Long Beach organization that offers programs that educate students and their parents on the importance of financial health.
The campaign takes an ideological approach emphasizing the relationship between one's mind and money in addressing the organizations goals.

In January 2015, five teams in a Public Relations Management and Campaigns course were tasked with raising awareness of Financial Fitness and its programs. Teams were given three months to prepare a viable campaign proposal that addresses the organization's goals.
Each team met with and pitched their campaign to the heads of Financial Fitness in April of 2015. Flex Your Mind. Mine Your Money. was the winning proposal.
*Note: This proposal was not implemented by (KC) Niccole Schaper and the PRC 49 team.
Organization: Financial Fitness is an organization at CSULB that offers programs and guidance to the CSULB community about finances and what it means to be financially fit. It is dedicated to the financial success of 49ers who use the program and ensures a bright financial future.
Program: Financial Fitness currently offers Financial Literacy 101 as its primary program. The program aims to educate individuals about the importance of being financially fit. It is a 90-minute online workshop where one can learn to become financially literate and create a budget, track spending habits, set financial goals and more. Workshop topics cover a range of topics including, but not limited to, financial aid, credit management and financial planning. Individuals who complete the workshop are automatically entered into a drawing for a chance to win a $500 scholarship.
Audiences: Financial Fitness serves the CSULB community from students to staff and faculty to parents. The program is free to use for anyone enrolled at or employed by CSULB and parents of CSULB students. Financial Fitness hopes to encourage more students and parents to use the program. PRC 49 aims to reach out to freshman and transfer students, as well as parents of freshman to increase its client base and ensure the longevity of use and success of those who use the program.
Competition: Financial Fitness is unlike any other organization or program available at CSULB. Research shows, however, that students are unaware of Financial Fitness, what it is and what it has to offer. Instead, students turn to parents for financial advice or self-educate themselves by researching information on the web.
Obstacles: Financial Fitness faces several obstacles. The lack of awareness among the CSULB community is the programs largest obstacle and once that must be addressed immediately. Secondly, the organization’s current promotional tactics do not capture the attention of nor do they aesthetically appeal to their intended audience as it relies primarily on traditional tactics. Thirdly, Financial Fitness does not currently have a digital identity or presence and its web location is buried within an already busy university website. Finally, Financial Fitness does not currently offer adequate incentives to encourage its audience to use the program. PRC 49 aims to address all of these obstacles.
Strengths: Financial Fitness has several strengths that will help the organization and the Flex Your Mind, Mine Your Money campaign tackle the obstacles it faces. The program requires relatively low time commitment and is free to use for all CSULB students, staff and faculty and CSULB parents. Current Financial Fitness research reveals that effectiveness for students who take the program is at 80 percent. In addition, Financial Fitness is open to new incentives for engagement and has a flexible budget to implement a public relations campaign.
Weaknesses: There is a lack of awareness of Financial Fitness among the CSULB community. The organization’s on-campus presence is being diminished by strictly traditional tactics in a noisy environment and its digital presence is nearly inexistent. Financial Fitness’ current approach is aesthetically unappealing to its biggest intended audience and it does not offer adequate incentives for participation. These challenges have led PRC 49 to develop goals, objectives and key messages in addition to a set of strategies and tactics to help establish opportunities to ensure the success of the campaign.
Opportunities: Financial Fitness is an on-campus program, thus providing great opportunity to engage with its primary target audience. The organization is open to a completely new approach and interface to its program, allowing our agency to recreate the brand to be more appealing to its audience. PRC 49’s Flex Your Mind, Mine Your Money campaign has created a set of ideas to engage and grow Financial Fitness’ client base by directly targeting students and their number one influencers.
Threats: Financial Fitness does not currently face any competition on campus. Its biggest threat, instead, comes from individuals who do not have a presence on the CSULB campus: parents. In addition, its lack of appeal poses difficulty, as the organization must now reintroduce itself in a new, fun and engaging way. By specifically targeting our primary audience’s main influencers and reinventing the organization’s approach, PRC 49’s Flex Your Mind, Mine Your Money campaign has the means of overcoming these threats.
Campus Facts
There are 36,822 students enrolled as of Fall 2014 (Campus Facts Fall 2014).
There are 2,729 students living on campus as of Fall 2014 (Campus Facts Fall 2014).
92.6 percent of students commute to campus (Campus Facts Fall 2014).
As of Fall 2014, 99.4 percent of CSULB freshman are full-time students (Campus Facts Fall 2014).
First-time freshman are required to live in University Housing during their first year at CSULB unless they are living at home or over the age of 21 (Freshman Residential Requirement).
University Housing units do not have nor allow for kitchens. Students are recommended to purchase Dining Hall Passes (Residential Dining Options).
Current tuition is set at $3,226 for full-time students and $2,077 for part-time students each semester (Fees and Finances).
Finance Facts
The class of 2013 college graduates owe an average of $32,500 in college-related debt. In addition, those graduates owe an average of $3,000 in credit card debt post-graduation (Ellis, 2013).
Forbes listed cost as the number one issue facing higher education in 2014 (Ebersole, 2014).
Students who entered two-year colleges showed more responsible behavior than those in four-year schools (Sherman, 2015).
Research showed that only 39 percent of four-year students used personal financial budgets. As of 2012, 71 percent of graduating college students had loan debt (Sherman, 2015).
Facts about Parents and Finance
Gallup’s 2001-2015 Economy and Personal Finance survey revealed that paying for college is the top financial worry for 73 percent of American parents and beats our funding frets for medical expenses, retirement, and maintaining a standard of living (David-Gaines, 2015).
According to a recent R. Rowe Rice survey, 52% of parents felt it was more important to save for their kids’ college education than their own retirement (Farrington, 2015). The same research revealed that not understanding the tools to save was the number one mistake parents make, followed by using the wrong tools and not saving enough (Farrington, 2015).
Key Take-Aways From Secondary Research
College freshman are in most need of financial help as they are the least financially literate.
Do not ignore parents – they are concerned about college and finances before the student even begins to think about college.
There seems to be a strong tie between lack of information/education about finances and student debt. The more they know, they less they owe.
Tactics should push messages even away from campus due to low campus residency.
PRC 49 created and distributed a survey to CSULB students to determine their awareness of Financial Fitness and their current financial habits and concerns. The survey consisted of a variety of questions answerable using a 5-point Likert Scale and 5-point ranking scale, as well as yes/no and short answer responses. A total of 121 CSULB students responded to the survey and the main findings are as follows:
Only 6% of our survey respondents have heard of Financial Fitness.
Have you ever heard of Financial Fitness? (7 yes, 114 no)
Our survey results showed that students get most of their financial information and help from parents, followed by the internet.
How do you typically receive your information about finances?
Various aids on campus
Respondents get the majority of their financial income by working, followed by financial aid.
What are your main source(s) of financial revenue?
Financial Aid
Most respondents do not know much about their financial aid and would like to learn more about it. Tax concerns were the second most popular response.
What are your top three concerns when it comes to your finances?
Financial aid – deadlines, interest rates and repercussions
Taxes – how and when to file, understanding deductions and returns
Credit – advantages/disadvantages of having a credit card
General budgeting – most students do not know how to budget
Only 40 percent of respondents consider themselves knowledgeable about their finances.
I am knowledgeable about my finances. (48 between strongly agree and agree, 58 between disagree and strongly disagree)
Only 24 percent of respondents consider themselves to be financially fit.
I consider myself to be “financially fit.” (knowledgeable, stable, etc.)? (29 between strongly agree and agree, 62 between disagree and strongly disagree)
Only 14% of respondents use a budgeting method/formula/tool.
Do you currently use a budgeting method/formula/tool? (17 yes, 104 no)
Social media is the primary mode of communication among CSULB students, followed by word of mouth.
What do you believe are the most popular modes of communication among the CSULB community?
Social media
Word of mouth
Campus signage
An overwhelming majority of respondents are willing to learn about programs such as Financial Fitness.
Would you be interested in learning about a free program that would allow you to educate yourself about your finances? (117 yes, 4 no)
Incentives and appeal need to be addressed in reintroducing Financial Fitness.
What keeps you from further educating yourself about your finances?
Lack of adequate incentive
Current programs are boring/lack appeal
I don’t know where to start looking for help
Students want incentives with a monetary equivalent that will help their current financial situation.
What incentives would get you to engage with Financial Fitness?
Free food
Free parking
Free 49er gear
Based on this research, PRC 49 has chosen to specifically target freshman and transfer students to secure the longevity of their engagement. Additionally, our agency has opted to make parents of CSULB freshman students a secondary audience as they are the leading influencers to their finances.
Additionally, any campaign by Financial Fitness requires better incentives for engagement and must appeal aesthetically to students in a fun and engaging way.
Overall, this research clearly indicated a lack of knowledge and education about finances among CSULB students. PRC 49 aims to build a campaign on the relationship between educating the mind and a healthy financial lifestyle to guide 49ers beyond graduation from CSULB.
Campus Facts Fall 2014. California State University, Long Beach. Retrieved from http://web.csulb.edu/divisions/students/presidents_scholars/campus_facts.htm
David-Gaines, W. (2015, April 21). Game plan since college funding is parents’ top financial worry. Examiner. Retrieved from http://www.examiner.com/article/game-plan-sincecollege-funding-is-parents-top-financial-worry
Ebersole, J. (2014, January 13). Top Issues Facing Higher Education In 2014. Forbes. Retrieved from http://www.forbes.com/sites/johnebersole/2014/01/13/top-issues-facing-highereducation-in-2014/
Ellis, B. (2013, May 17). Class of 2013 grads average $35,200 in total debt. CNN. Retrieved from http://money.cnn.com/2013/05/17/pf/college/student-debt/Facts Fall 2014. California State University, Long Beach. Retrieved from http://web.csulb.edu/divisions/students/presidents_scholars/campus_facts.htm
Farrington, R. (2015, April 22). The Biggest Mistakes People Make Saving For College. Forbes. Retrieved from http://www.forbes.com/sites/robertfarrington/2015/04/22/the-biggestmistakes-people-make-saving-for-college/
Fees and Finances. California State University, Long Beach. Retrieved fromhttp://web.csulb.edu/depts/enrollment/registration/fees_basics.html
Freshman Residential Requirement. California State University, Long Beach. Retrieved fr omhttp://web.csulb.edu/divisions/students/housing/campus_housing/freshmen_requirement.htm
Residential Dining Options (Meal Plans). California State University, Long Beach. Retrieved from http://web.csulb.edu/divisions/students/housing/campus_housing/dining/diningoptions.htm
Sherman, E. (2015, April 7). Students Entering College Get a ‘D’ In Financial Literacy. Daily Finance. Retrieved from http://www.dailyfinance.com/2015/04/07/students-enteringcollege-weak-financial-literacy/
Primary audience
Students: Our primary focus will be on CSULB freshman and transfer students as they are in most need of financial guidance and we hope to build a relationship with our audience that endures. Our secondary focus will be on remaining CSULB students.
Secondary audiences
Parents: Our primary focus will be on parents of CSULB freshman students. Our research shows that parents are the number one influencers when it comes to finances. They have the ability to influence our primary audience to learn about and engage with Financial Fitness. Educating parents about what it means to be financially fit will benefit our overall goal of ensuring a golden financial future for our 49er community.
Messages to students
When you flex your mind, you mine your money!
With Financial Fitness, there is a golden future awaiting you.
Do not become a statistic when it comes to financial debt – be the exception by using Financial Fitness.
Financial Fitness will help you graduate with little to no debt with by teaching you how to budget and use credit wisely.
Financial Fitness teaches you how to budget with fixed and flexible expenses.
Financial Fitness allows you to track income versus your expenses.
Messages to parents
Your kids have other avenues to learn about their finances.
Financial Fitness can be your guide to helping your kids secure a golden financial future.
You have spent enough money on your kids’ education – there is no need to spend anymore. Financial Fitness is here to help you be debt free and stress free.
Your advice matters – educate yourself by using Financial Fitness to help your kids flex their mind and mine their money!
Flex Your Mind, Mine Your Money
PRC 49 is dedicated to providing tools and information necessary to ensure the financial fitness of students at CSULB. We at PRC 49 believe that a financially fit future begins with educating ourselves about what it means to be financially fit. Here at CSULB, we are fortunate enough to have free access to Financial Fitness, an online program with workshops and guides to ensure a successful financial future. So flex your mind and start mining your money, 49ers!
Financial Fitness was in need of a familiar element that ties itself to the school. PRC 49 took inspiration from Prospector Pete, CSULB's mascot.
Our primary goal is to increase awareness and usage of Financial Fitness by CSULB students and parents. By reintroducing Financial Fitness to our audiences, we can better capture their attention, thus allowing us to educate and guide them toward a golden financial future.
Rebrand Financial Fitness to better capture audience attention.
Raise awareness of Financial Fitness.
Educate our target audiences about how to be financially fit.
Objective 1: To expose 10,000 incoming freshman and transfer students to our key messages in the first year of implementation.
Objective 2: To drive 2,000 members of our target audiences to follow Financial Fitness one each of our social media platforms in the first year of implementation.
Objective 3: To increase awareness of Financial Fitness among CSULB students and parents by 30 percent in the first year of implementation.
Objective 4: To increase usage of Financial Fitness among CSULB students by 5 percent in the first year of implementation.
Strategy 1: Develop a digital identity for Financial Fitness.
We are at the height of the technological age and our primary target audience is the leading users and innovators of technology and its digital components. Developing a digital identity for Financial Fitness will allow us to feed into the digital trend and reach our audiences from beyond the physical space of the CSULB campus. In addition, this strategy allows us to reach our secondary audience who typically do not spend time on campus.
Create a Financial Fitness website. The current Financial Fitness “website” is listed as a page under the CSULB website. Its current layout is not aesthetically appealing to Financial Fitness’ intended audience: students. PRC 49 aims to create a website with a unique and simple URL and an aesthetically appealing, simple and easy-to-navigate layout. Included in this website are information about Financial Fitness, various online sessions available to students and parents, downloadable budgeting tools, current contents and challenges in which our audience may participate and download links to important forms and documents such as taxes and FAFSA.
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Establish social media presence. Financial Fitness does not currently have a social media presence. A 2013 study by the Pew Research Center found that almost 80 percentof those surveyed happen upon news when they are checking their Facebook accounts and adults aged 18 to 24 account for a third of Facebook news consumers (Saba, 2013). Social media is a free and simple way to reach our audience as it encourages two-way communication between brand and audience. Additionally, it provides as a digital word-of-mouth strategy with the share function and allows us to track our growth and campaign impacts through various social media analytics reports. Developing a social media presence also opens internship possibilities for CSULB students. Hiring CSULB interns for upkeep is beneficial for both parties as students gain knowledge and experience through the internships and Financial Fitness can brainstorm social media posts and usages with interns as they are the primary audience. (See Appendix page 24 for sample social media calendar) PRC 49 suggests using the following platforms:
Facebook and Twitter. Our research reveals that Facebook is still the most popular social media platform among our audience, with Twitter ranked second (PRC 49, 2015).
Instagram. Instagram offers a different form of social media that is becoming more and more popular among our audience as it serves as a visual versus text-heavy platform.
Snapchat. Snapchat has recently integrated a news-like component to its platform. Users may now follow brands and events to receive photos and brief videos for updates. This opens up a various possibilities for Financial Fitness as it can serve as a fun and engaging tool to share news and information relevant to its audiences.
Create an App. According to a 2013 report by the Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project, 91 percent of Americans now own a cellphone (Rainie, 2013). The same research revealed that of those cellphone owners, 56 percent of American adults own a smartphone (Rainie, 2013). Creating a smartphone app provides Financial Fitness an opportunity for its audience members to download and integrate Financial Fitness into their daily lifestyle. Creating an app also provides an opportunity for CSULB students to utilize their knowledge and skill through a contest (see Strategy #2 “There’s an APP for that” Contest). The app can either be incorporated into the existing CSULB app or a completely separate app in and of itself.
Create a QR Code. Quick Response Codes can be easily generated and cost nothing to create. Having a QR code on hand allows us to place them on fliers, informational material and events making it easier for our audience to reach our website by taking a photo versus typing in a URL on their internet browsers.
Strategy 2: Develop activities and promotional events that engage members of our audience with Financial Fitness.
CSULB is a commuter campus. In fact, only 7.4 percent of the student population has a campus residence (Campus Facts Fall 2014). Financial Fitness faces the difficultly of capturing the attention of students who typically only go to campus for course-related activities and do not have the time stop for recreational activities in between classes. Our research shows that students would be more willing to participate in recreational activities if it provided them with prize incentives or opportunities to utilize their skills (PRC 49, 2015). From this research, PRC 49 suggests developing activities and promotional events that provide incentives in order to engage our audiences. The following tactics aims also aims to foster a sense of community and social awareness at CSULB, as well as garner media attention and coverage.
Create a Financial Fitness Graduation Challenge. Research shows a high number of low-income and first generation college students in the CSU System (Chapin, 2012). Graduation fees and activities can become very costly, often leading to students opting out of graduation ceremonies due to lack of funding. For many students on the CSULB campus, graduating college is an achievement not only to be celebrated by the graduating individual, but also by their families and loved ones. PRC 49 hopes to leverage the saying “you graduate for your family” as a way to get parents involved. Students and parents of incoming freshman and transfers will be introduced to Financial Fitness and given the opportunity to enroll in the Challenge during the first six months of CSULB enrollment through various avenues (see Strategy #3). In order to participate in the graduation challenge, students AND parents have to use Financial Fitness to set a budget and stay “financially fit” throughout a student’s time at CSULB. Financial Fitness may then utilize its partnerships to provide an incentive to use Financial Fitness. Each year the most financially fit graduating seniors will win a graduation package that includes:
Free cap and gown rental, graduation stole and Financial Fitness chord from the 49er Shops. An additional free CSULB medallion will be included for the top three financially fit graduates.
Free college portrait of the graduating student with his/her family from a photography studio partner/sponsor.
Free graduation dinner package for the student and family to celebrate from restaurant partners/sponsors.
Financial Furious. Long Beach is becoming one of the most health-conscious cities in California. Financial Fitness can leverage the current health craze by hosting a yearly triathlon on campus. Triathlon participants are entered to win one of the most popular and sought after prizes at CSULB: parking permits. CSULB is a commuter campus comprised of more than 35,000 students. On-campus parking is limited and expensive with its current rates at $342 annually or $123 for fall or spring semester (Parking Permits, 2014). Each participant would pay a $5 registration fee. The first place winner will win an annual permit. Second and third place winners will win a semester permit of their choosing. PRC 49 suggests that Financial Fitness also encourage donations, advertisements and tabling from local businesses in order to receive funding. All remaining profits from the Financial Furious Triathlon will be used for various scholarships and various prizes for all other contests.
“The 49er Hunger Games” – PRC 49 specifically targets freshman and transfer students. CSULB housing policy requires all freshman students to live in campus dorms unless over the age of 21 or living at home (Freshman Residential Housing). Campus dorms do not allow for the typical in-home kitchen, and therefore, campus residents rely on residential dining halls and campus eateries for meals. However, these meals add up, making it one of the most costly college expenses. PRC 49 aims to continue leveraging
the health craze by adding a Financial Health 101 session that provides students and parents with information on the importance of eating well even on a college campus. It would also educate our audiences of just how much of their money goes to food when not well appropriated into a budget. Participants who successfully complete the online session will be entered for a chance to win The Gold Option Plan which includes 19 meals per week with a $100 in Beach Dollars for the semester (Residential Dining Options). -
Create Contests. Contests encourage engagement, generate attention and can provide visually attractive opportunities for media coverage.
“There’s an APP for that” Contest – Departments at CSULB are morelikely to get involved with a program and join its efforts if it benefits their students by highlighting or furthering their skills. “There’s an APP for that” aims to get students particularly from the accounting, engineering and computer science departments involved in a contest in which students create the Financial Fitness app. The winner will win a $500 scholarship and will be recognized for his or her design.
“How much money is in this jar?” – Oversized objects are a popular way to capture attention. This contest would require Financial Fitness to place cash, coins and products from partners and sponsors in an oversized jar to be displayed in a secure location on campus. Students may enter the contest by registering and taking Financial Fitness 101. Students who are then qualified to enter may make guesses as to the monetary equivalent inside the jar and the winner gets to take home its contents.
Gold Mining – Scavenger hunts are a fun way to keep students engaged. Following the 49er Shops’ “Whisper Wednesday” and Starbuck’s rewards program ideas, PRC 49’s Gold Mining Scavenger Hunt aims to drive our audiences to follow Financial Fitness on social media, download the app and take Financial Fitness 101. Each week, Financial Fitness will place a gold bars in several locations on campus and post hints of its location on social media. Each gold bar will have a code worth various points which participants may claim on their Financial Fitness app. Once they have reached a certain number of points, they may show proof of having taken Financial Fitness 101 and claim a prize from one of our partners/sponsors.
Strategy 3: Build on existing educational and recreational activities and traditional platforms.
CSULB has a wide array of existing platforms and activities in which Financial Fitness could leverage and benefit. These include educational forums, recreational events and partnerships with groups and clubs on campus. During a client meeting with Financial Fitness, PRC 49 learned that its main on-campus tactic consists of posters and fliers around the CSULB campus. While traditional tactics are a good idea, it fails to capture the attention of our primary and secondary audience as it does not appeal to them as well as prize incentives and visual and digital elements. This strategy aims to go where our audience is versus asking them to go to Financial Fitness.
Table in high-traffic events and areas on campus. Tabling on campus is an easy and inexpensive way to present a brand at already high-traffic events on campus.
Hold a table or session at SOAR. The Student Transition & Retention Services (STAR) and Student Orientation, Advising & Registration programs (SOAR) facilitates that transition of incoming CSULB students into college and toward graduation. It is an incoming student’s first opportunity to be introduced to Financial Fitness. Holding a table at STAR/SOAR would allow Financial Fitness to follow students from their first day to their last at CSULB.
Provide a parents’ informational session. PRC 49 suggests working with SOAR to provide parents with a session in which they, too, may learn about the CSULB and Financial Fitness since they are the leading financial influencers to our primary audience.
Hold a table during Week of Welcome. Week of Welcome is one of the most popular and high traffic events on campus. At the start of every semester, CSULB clubs, organizations and local businesses hold tables to recruit students to join or engage with them. Financial Fitness is a free program for CSULB students, therefore, it is only fitting to hold a table during Week of Welcome.
Hold a table during popular athletic events. Students who attend athletic events are often very engaging individuals. Tabling at a sporting event provides a big opportunity for exposure and engagement. PRC 49 has offered suggestions for various contents and activities that can also be promoted during athletic events for higher engagement.
Integrate Financial Fitness into University 100 course. Associated Student Inc. (ASI) is currently proposing the reinstatement of the mandatory University 100 course for freshman and transfer students. It is a 10-week 1 unit course designed to introduce students to the university and what it offer, facilitate students’ transition to college and construct a four-year plan that encourages academic success (University Courses, 2011-2012). Finances are a big part of one’s college life as research continues to show growing financial aid debt following graduation. A recent article from CNN noted that 2013 college graduates averaged $32,500 in college-related debt and owed an average of $3,000 in credit card debt post-graduation (Ellis, 2013). Financial Fitness has information that can aid students’ financial needs. Should this proposal pass, Financial Fitness can leverage this academic forum by partnering with professors to incorporate the program into the curriculum.
Create partnerships with campus organizations. Partnering with campus clubs and organizations aid in building a sense of community at CSULB, as well as provides us with an opportunity to utilize the creative alleys and man-power Financial Fitness lacks.
Reach out to the Greek System. The Greek System on campus is required to fulfill philanthropy hours and can serve as our volunteer manpower for events and activities.
Create informational video reels with College Beat. Fun and short videos can be an entertaining way to promote Financial Fitness and our campaign. It also provides easy opportunity to become “viral.” Teaming up with College Beat to create 30 second parody segments to be featured on its most popular show “Late Night Long Beach” is a fun and light-hearted way of approaching the subject of financial fitness.
Work with campus media outlets. Financial Fitness can reach radio listeners by creating 3-minute radio segments on how to be financially fit with KBeach. In addition, it can reach out to the Daily 49er to place weekly “financial fitness tips”in the opinions section.
Establish a relationship with the Program Council. This relationship can provide Financial Fitness with opportunities to be featured in the program council’s tabled events and creates a visibility on campus.
Create infographics. Research shows that informational materials with visual components are most likely to be read than those without (Pakinson). Creating infographics with finance tips and research findings is a contemporary way of providing information to audiences. It also provides opportunities for media placements for its information.
Create and distribute informational handouts that provided information about Financial Fitness and our campaign activities. Programs like Financial Fitness should not discount traditional forms of informational material such as pamphlets and fliers. While students are more receptive to digital elements, parents are more receptive to traditional elements. Our material should also be available in both English and Spanish to serve parents who are unable to speak or read English.
Reach out to local high schools. Many CSULB students are locals of Long Beach or its surrounding areas. Reaching out to local high schools to hold seminars and post informational material about Financial Fitness allows us to communicate with our potential audiences before they even step foot on the CSULB campus.
Strategy 4: Leverage media relations.
Media relations is an important part of every public relations campaign the media serves as one of the most effective forms of advertising. PRC 49 aims to leverage its media relations to further ensure the success of our campaign.
Distribute pitch letters on-campus and local media. Reporters are always looking for a good story. While stories that are heavily concentrated on college-related events do not typically make headliners for big news outlets, stories that pertain to the success of the future of our youth do. Financial Fitness in and of itself is a tool that aids in the success of college students beyond the classroom. Pitching story ideas to media outlets allows Financial Fitness to give them a story versus letting them find it.
Distribute media advisories to on-campus local media. PRC 49 has presented several opportunities for media to cover various events and activities on campus in Strategy #2. Distributing media advisories in a timely manner will allow enough time for media outlets to send reporters and photographers out for coverage. The Financial Furious Triathlon, for instance, would benefit most from the distribution of a media advisory.
Submit feature stories and opinion editorials to on-campus local media. Financial Fitness has the opportunity to keep track of the concerns and success of its users. This acts as a starting point for feature story ideas. Finance is a saucy issue especially with college students. Let those concerns be heard and promote Financial Fitness as a solution by submitting feature stories and opinion editorials to media outlets. In addition, staying informed with “hot topics” in the news and leveraging those topics when applicable and beneficial to Financial Fitness allows for a regular stream of news coverage of finance and mentions of Financial Fitness.
We have a $15,000 budget to help implement our campaign until June 2016. The tactics we have recommended will achieve our goals and objectives for PCR 49’s Financial Fitness, “Flex Your Mind, Mine Your Money.” campaign.
Our agency suggests hiring three to five heads of departments and 10 CSULB student interns per semester for staffing. Volunteers will be required for events and can be acquired through partnerships with organizations such as the Greek System and Program Council.
PRC 49’s “Flex Your Mind, Mine Your Money.” campaign for Financial Fitness will require a number of donations from partners and sponsors in order to ensure incentives to engage with the program. Although Financial Fitness is not limited to the following list, our team suggests partnering with the following organizations and business:
49er Shops
CSULB Greek System
College Beat
Daily 49er
Studio 94 Photography Inc.
Cha for Tea
Flex Your Mind. Mine Your Money. requires a summative approach to ensure that the campaign met its goals and objectives. The evaluation stage will begin immediately after the program’s completion. The objectives for the “Flex Your Mind, Mind Your Money.”
campaign are:
Objective 1: To expose 10,000 incoming freshman and transfer students to our key messages in the first year of implementation.
Objective 2: To drive 2,000 members of our target audiences to follow Financial Fitness on each of our social media platforms in the first year of implementation.
Objective 3: To increase awareness of Financial Fitness among CSULB students and parents by 30 percent in the first year of implementation.
Objective 4: To increase usage of Financial Fitness among CSULB students by 5 percent in the first year of implementation.
Goals and objectives that require evaluation include:
All contests are to be evaluated for participation and achievements
Ways in which PRC 49 will evaluation goal achievement include:
Measuring the participation rate from the past year
PRC 49 will also implement a formative evaluation that will reveal the program’s milestones and key learning points. This will allow our agency to suggest recommendations for Financial Fitness that will build future programming and redirect the organization in reaching new goals and/or objectives for the next academic year.
Financial Fitness should choose PRC 49 because our plan will not only increase awareness and audience engagement, but as well as build a long-term client base and create a digital identity that will continue to educate and ensure a golden financial future for the 49er community. PRC 49 has developed creative strategies and tactics to reach our goals and objectives. More importantly, campaign theme strongly emphasizes the relationship between the one’s mind and money, enabling us to meet Financial Fitness’ objectives.
Key takeaways for Financial Fitness
Promote the relationship between mind and money through Financial Fitness
Educate our audience to guide them toward a golden financial future
Increase awareness by 30 percent
Increase use by 5 percent
Create a digital identity and presence
Build a sense of community through partnerships